Best Books(PHYSICS) to start preparing for IIT-JEE , COMED-K , State Level Entrance. and Boards

Bienvenue peeps! welcome again to my blog again, hope you all are enjoying and getting something out of it.

I will be talking about books from beginner to advanced if you are preparing for IIT-JEE, Comed-K, or any state level Entrance. 
There are three subjects to prepare for entrances mentioned above. p.s:- PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and MATHEMATICS. starting of with Physics, The best option is to start with "Concepts of Physics  by H.C VERMA.", the concept explained in this books are finest among all, and the level of questions are quite good enough to make you strong and will help you to understand the beauty of this subject, It is highly recommended to not to follow D.C PANDEY for physics (Lot's of Error and Too deep concepts which are not required for this kind of entrances), you will just waste your time. Next if you feel confident enough with H.C VERMA, then start of with I.E IRODOV . I.E IRODOV is considered as the toughest book in physics for JEE Entrances, But believe me i myself had myself followed this book for a month. It's not a great deal. Just you need to be very thorough with your concepts, and you will definitely learn the core part of the subjects. I would definitely like to thank,Sir H.C VERMA and M.r I.E IRODOV for creating this classic books for physics and letting the world to explore the subject
Coming to board students, what are you waiting for just go and take out your N.C.E,R.T books and start of with in-text examples, this will help you in scoring well and good marks for boards, next after completion, purchase a book N.C.E.R.T EXAMPLER and start solving. 
One tip from my side to study physics is solving numerical as much as you can. don't depend on theory, it will never help you make a habit of solving at-least 5 problems from each topic (basic+advanced).
NOTE: The above mentioned tips and books are recommended by very reputed and  highly experienced faculties for physics in India (for IIT-JEE). he had trained thousands of IItians in his career.
This is all about physics, in my next post i will be talking about Mathematics
Stay tuned

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